Imagery by Jillian Knight Photography + Jordan Maunder

Anthem [‘anTHəm]:

That one single track that tells your story. That one song you can’t get out of your head, where the lyrics of your life meet the rhythm of your soul.

House [house]:

Your family, lineage, and legacy.

Who we are.

We are a team of planners with a combined experience of 50+ years. We have partnered together to give you an all-inclusive, luxury planning experience. Our passions lie in the intentional details of your day, seamless logistics, and meaningful connections with our clients. We specialize in high end, multi day luxury events. Our team approach allows us to be uniquely creative, efficient, and harmonious throughout all aspects of the planning process.

Who we serve.

Our clients seek authenticity. They are invested in our process and entrust our team with creating meaningful experiences that set the stage to tell their story. They value the details of an event and their guests’ experience in equal measure. An Anthem House client understands that a wedding is not only one moment, but made up of multiple curated moments that leave their guests with unparalleled stories to tell. We believe all love should be celebrated and our clients seek an event that is a reflection of their unique journey.

The Experience.

We strive to provide a thoughtful and care free planning experience. Our goal is for you to enjoy your engagement and find the joy in planning the start of your legacy. We utilize relationships to build a foundation of trust. This results in a creative experience that creates an authentic and unique event.